Cardiac MRI at Chenies Mews Imaging Centre

Cardiac MRI is commonly regarded to be the most accurate non-invasive method of assessing the structure and function of the heart, often providing valuable information which may not be achievable using other imaging methods such as x-ray or ultrasound.


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Cardiac MRI can provide clinical information which enables early diagnosis of abnormalities of the heart and guide physicians in decision making for effective treatment.



During your visit to the Chenies Mews Imaging Centre, we will use the latest scanning technology available and powerful computers to create a clear picture of your heart, the heart valves, major blood vessels and surrounding structures.

Our expert team of radiographers and cardiologists are experienced in obtaining the highest quality imaging, whilst maintaining your comfort at all times.  Whilst the duration and complexity of a cardiac MRI scan will vary from patient to patient, scans typically take between 30-60 minutes to complete.  We are committed to offering flexible appointment times that suit the patient, and the reassurance that your scan will be reported by a world-renowned specialist within 24 hours or less.  Please contact our referrals team if you would like to arrange an appointment, discuss a referral, or if you have any questions about cardiac MRI.


Download our ‘Having a Cardiac MRI scan’ patient information leaflet


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Download our ‘Having a Cardiac Perfusion MRI scan’ patient information leaflet


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Download our ‘Having an MRI contrast dye’ patient information leaflet


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The leading edge of cardiac MRI

cardiac mri

Our advanced cardiac imaging enables our specialists to:

  • Diagnose a variety of cardiovascular problems
  • Examine the size and thickness of the chambers of the heart
  • Detect and evaluate the effects of coronary artery disease, or damage caused by a heart attack
  • Detect the build up of plaque and blockages
  • Plan your treatment for cardiovascular problems

Meet our specialists


Marvellous experience

A marvellous experience. I was very nervous having failed to go through a scan before and the two ladies were so nice and understanding and I was able to complete the scan on my front. I could not have done it without their kind understanding.

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