MRI for Pacemakers and Cardiac Devices

The Chenies Mews Imaging Centre offers a safe, reliable and fully recognised MRI service for patients with cardiac pacemakers and other cardiac devices.


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For many years, cardiac pacemakers and other implantable cardiac devices have prevented patients from benefiting from MRI scanning, due to potential risks posed to the device by the strong magnetic fields associated with the MRI scanner.



The Chenies Mews Imaging Centre are pleased to be able to offer a new MRI scanning service to patients who have implanted cardiac devices. Using the latest technology, our expert multidisciplinary team of cardiology and radiology consultants, cardiac technicians and specialist radiographers work in collaboration with the device manufacturers to enable to us to hold regular scanning sessions for patients with cardiac devices who may require MRI scans of any body part.

For further information on this unique pacing service, or to discuss your suitability for MRI at the Chenies Mews Imaging Centre, then please do not hesitate to contact us. We are experienced in working with both NHS and private referrers, and can liaise on your behalf with private medical insurers to ensure that you obtain the most appropriate scan.

A referral for MRI is received from the referring clinician

Our appointment coordinators will obtain relevant information regarding the patient’s specific pacemaker device and leads.

Our specialist radiographers will conduct and initial investigation into the compatibility of the pacemaker for MRI

The referral and pacemaker information will then be appraised by a consultant cardiologist, who will instruct on whether the scan can proceed safely and what conditions must be met.

Patient receives appointment

Immediately prior to the scan, the cardiologist and a cardiac physiologist will interrogate the pacemaker and make all adjustments necessary to ensure the device can enter the scan safely.

The patient is monitored carefully throughout the scan by the team.

After the scan, the pacemaker is returned to its normal functioning mode so that the patient can leave.

Post procedure, the MRI scan is reported by a consultant cardiologist and/or radiologist. These results are returned to the referring clinician within 48 hours.

Download our ‘Information for Patients undergoing MRI with Cardiac Devices’ patient information leaflet


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Marvellous experience

A marvellous experience. I was very nervous having failed to go through a scan before and the two ladies were so nice and understanding and I was able to complete the scan on my front. I could not have done it without their kind understanding.

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